LLM output hook

LLM output hook


pnpm add llm-ui
import { useLLMOutput } from "llm-ui/core";



import { useLLMOutput } from "llm-ui/core";

const { blockMatches } = useLLMOutput({
  llmOutput: "llm output",
  blocks: [],
  fallbackBlock: {
    ...fallback block

useLLMOutput Parameters

llmOutput (string)

The output from a single LLM chat response.

You can pass the full chat response or pass the streamed chat responses as you receive more tokens from the LLM.

isStreamFinished (boolean)

Whether the LLM has finished streaming the chat response.

blocks (object[])

An array of the blocks to try and match with the LLM output. The highest priority is given to the first block in the array.

For built-in blocks you’ll usually get the block config from @llm-ui/markdown, @llm-ui/code etc.

For your own custom blocks, please see the custom-blocks docs for more details.

const block = {
  // The component to render when the block is matched.
  // Block match contains information about the match.
  component: ({ blockMatch }) => <div>{blockMatch.block.match}</div>,

  // The logic to find a 'complete' match:
  // when a block starts and ends inside of the `llmOutput` string.
  findCompleteMatch: (llmOutput: string) => ({
    startIndex: 1, // the index where the match starts
    endIndex: 10, // the index where the match ends
    outputRaw: "some llm output" // the raw string output of the match

  // The logic to find a 'partial' match:
  // when a block starts but does not end inside of the `llmOutput` string.
  findPartialMatch: (llmOutput: string) => ({
    startIndex, // the index where the match starts
    endIndex, // the index where the match ends
    outputRaw // the raw string output of the match

  // A lookback function to look backwards in the LLM output for smooth rendering.
  lookBack: ({
    output: "<buttons><button>my b",
    isComplete: false, // whether the match is complete or partial
    visibleTextLengthTarget: 10, // the number of visible characters to return
    isStreamFinished: true // whether the LLM has finished streaming
  }) => {
    return {
      // The llm output to return. In some cases this will be the original.
      // In other cases this function may modify the output to make it 'complete'.
      output: "<buttons><button>my b</button><buttons>"
      visibleText: "my b" // the visible text the user will actually see

fallbackBlock (object)

The fallback block is the block to use when no other block matches. This is usually the markdown block.

throttle (function) (optional)

Defaults to throttleBasic.

The throttle function allows useLLMOutput to lag behind the actual LLM output.

Read more about throttle functions in the throttle docs.

loopIndex (number) (optional)

This is only needed when you wish to loop the stream output. For example when using the useStreamExample hook.

useLLMOutput Return value

isFinished (boolean)

Returns false when the response is still streaming, true once the last character has been streamed and the parameter isStreamFinished is true.

visibleText (string)

The visible text that the user will see. Calculated by joining each block’s lookBack function.

blockMatches (object)

The block matches found in the llmOutput parameter.

const { blockMatches } = useLLMOutput({
  llmOutput: output,
  blocks: [],

// =>
  block: {
    // The component to render
    component: ...,
    // The block's lookBack function
    lookBack: ...,

  // The LLM output for the block
  // (possibly modified by the lookback function)
  output: "<buttons><button>my b</button><buttons>",

  // The unmodified LLM output for the block
  outputRaw: "<buttons><button>my b",

  // The visible text for the block
  visibleText: "my b",

  // The full LLM output (for all blocks)
  llmOutput: "...",

  // The start index of the block match in the `llmOutput`
  startIndex: 0,

  // The end index of the block match in the `llmOutput`
  endIndex: 21,

  // Is the block complete or partial
  isComplete: true,

  // priority (index in the `blocks` parameter array)
  priority: 2

loopIndex (number)

Similar to the loopIndex parameter, only needed for looping examples.